E Glossary Content

Earned Media: Definition: Earned media refers to publicity or exposure gained through organic, non-paid means, such as media coverage, press mentions, social media shares, reviews, or word-of-mouth recommendations. Earned media is the result of brand or content visibility earned through positive user experiences, brand reputation, or the quality and value of the content itself.

Related terms: Organic media, free media, word-of-mouth marketing, brand advocacy

Ebook: Definition: An ebook, short for electronic book, is a digital or electronic publication that is formatted for reading on electronic devices, such as e-readers, tablets, or computers. Ebooks can be created in various formats, including PDF, EPUB, or MOBI, and can contain text, images, and interactive elements. Ebooks are popular for delivering long-form content, educational resources, or digital publications.

Related terms: Digital book, electronic publication, e-reader, digital reading

Ebooks: Definition: Ebooks, short for electronic books, refers to multiple electronic publications or digital books. The term “ebooks” is used to refer to a collection, library, or category of digital books or publications that are accessible and readable on electronic devices.

Related terms: Electronic books, digital publications, e-readers, digital reading materials

Echo Chamber: Definition: An echo chamber refers to an environment or social setting, often online, where individuals or groups are exposed only to information, opinions, or beliefs that reinforce their existing views or perspectives. Echo chambers can limit exposure to diverse opinions, hinder critical thinking, and contribute to the polarization or reinforcement of pre-existing biases.

Related terms: Filter bubble, confirmation bias, information silo, ideological segregation

eCRM: Definition: eCRM stands for electronic Customer Relationship Management, which refers to the use of digital technologies, platforms, and tools to manage and nurture customer relationships. eCRM involves capturing and analyzing customer data, tracking interactions, and leveraging technology to deliver personalized and targeted communication, support, and engagement throughout the customer lifecycle.

Related terms: Digital CRM, customer relationship management, CRM software, customer data management

Edit: Definition: Editing is the processof reviewing, revising, and improving written content to ensure accuracy, clarity, coherence, and readability. Editors check for errors in , spelling, punctuation, and style, as well as evaluate the overall structure, flow, and effectiveness of the content. Editing helps polish and refine content to enhance its quality, readability, and impact.

Related terms: Proofreading, revising, content editing, copyediting

Editing: Definition: Editing is the of reviewing, revising, and improving written content to ensure accuracy, clarity, coherence, and readability. Editors check for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style, as well as evaluate the overall structure, flow, and effectiveness of the content. Editing helps polish and refine content to enhance its quality, readability, and impact.

Related terms: Proofreading, revising, content editing, copyediting

Editorial Brief: Definition: An editorial brief is a document or guideline that outlines the objectives, requirements, and guidelines for creating a piece of content. It provides instructions and expectations regarding the target audience, tone, style, key messages, and desired outcomes. An editorial brief serves as a roadmap for content creators and helps align content with the overall and brand guidelines.

Related terms: Content brief, creative brief, content guidelines, content instructions

Editorial Calendar: Definition: An editorial calendar is a schedule or plan that outlines the topics, themes, and timing of content production and publication. It helps content creators and marketers organize and plan their content initiatives, ensuring a consistent and strategic approach. An editorial calendar typically includes key dates, content types, assigned responsibilities, and distribution channels.

Related terms: Content calendar, publishing schedule, content planning, content scheduling

Editorial Style Guide: Definition: An editorial style guide is a set of guidelines and standards that define the preferred writing style, grammar, formatting, and usage rules for a brand, publication, or organization. It ensures consistency and coherence in written content, providing writers and editors with a reference for maintaining a unified voice, tone, and presentation across different materials.

Related terms: Brand style guide, writing guidelines, editorial standards, content style manual

Educational Content: Definition: Educational content refers to content that is designed to , instruct, or teach the audience about a particular subject, skill, or concept. Educational content aims to provide valuable knowledge, insights, or practical guidance to help users learn, develop skills, or solve problems. It can take various forms, such as articles, tutorials, videos, courses, or guides.

Related terms: Instructional content, learning resources, educational materials, informative content

eLearning: Definition: eLearning, short for electronic learning, refers to the use of digital technologies, platforms, and resources to deliver educational or training programs online. eLearning allows learners to access and engage with educational materials, courses, or resources remotely, often through web-based platforms, learning management systems (LMS), or virtual classrooms.

Related terms: Online learning, distance learning, digital education, virtual learning

Email Marketing: Definition: Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves using email as a channel to deliver targeted messages, promotions, or information to a specific audience. Email marketing campaigns can include newsletters, promotional emails, automated sequences, or personalized communications to engage, nurture, or convert subscribers or customers.

Related terms: Email campaigns, email automation, email newsletters, email promotions

Email Segmentation: Definition: Email segmentation is the practice of dividing an email subscriber list into smaller, more targeted segments based on specific criteria or characteristics, such as demographics, preferences, behavior, or purchase history. Email segmentation enables marketers to deliver more relevant and personalized content to different audience segments, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Related terms: Audience segmentation, targeted emails, personalized emails, list segmentation

Embedding: Definition: Embedding refers to the process of incorporating or integrating external content, such as videos, images, or social media posts, into a web page or digital document. Embedding allows content creators to display or share external media or resources within their own content, enhancing its richness, interactivity, and functionality.

Related terms: Content embedding, media integration, embedded content, multimedia inclusion

Emotion: Definition: Emotion refers to a subjective and conscious mental state characterized by feelings, attitudes, or reactions that can influence behavior and decision-making. In the context of content, evoking and appealing to emotions can be a powerful way to engage, resonate, and connect with the audience, creating a memorable and impactful experience.

Related terms: Emotional engagement, affective content, emotional storytelling, emotional appeal

End User: Definition: The end user refers to the individual or who ultimately uses or consumes a product, service, or solution. In the context of content, the end user is the intended audience or target reader who interacts with and benefits from the content. Understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of the end user is crucial for creating relevant and effective content.

Related terms: Target audience, customer, consumer, user persona

eNewsletter: Definition: An eNewsletter, short for electronic newsletter, is a digital publication or periodic email communication that provides updates, news, information, or resources to subscribers. eNewsletters are often used by businesses, organizations, or publishers to engage and nurture their audience, share valuable content, promote products or services, or build customer relationships.

Related terms: Email newsletter, digital newsletter, electronic publication, email updates

Engagement: Definition: Engagement refers to the level of interaction, involvement, or connection between an audience and a piece of content or a brand. It can be measured by various , such as likes, comments, shares, time spent on page, or click-through rates. High engagement indicates that the content resonates with the audience and elicits active participation or response.

Related terms: User engagement, audience engagement, content interaction, engagement metrics

Entry Page: Definition: An entry page, also known as a landing page or a lead-in page, is the web page where a user first arrives on a website or enters a specific section or content. Entry pages play a crucial role in capturing attention, setting the tone, and guiding users into the desired content or conversion path.

Related terms: Landing page, homepage, entry point, website entry

EPC: Definition: EPC stands for Earnings Per Click, which is a metric used in affiliate marketing to measure the average earnings generated per click on an affiliate link or advertisement. EPC provides insights into the effectiveness and profitability of affiliate campaigns, allowing affiliates and advertisers to evaluate and optimize their strategies.

Related terms: Affiliate marketing, affiliate earnings, click-through earnings, conversion metrics

Ethics: Definition: Ethics refers to a set of moral principles and values that guide human behavior and decision-making. In the context of content, ethics encompasses the responsible creation, dissemination, and use of information, ensuring accuracy, transparency, fairness, and respect for intellectual property, privacy, and the rights of individuals and communities.

Related terms: Moral principles, ethical guidelines, content integrity, responsible content creation

Evaluation: Definition: Evaluation involves the systematic assessment and of content, strategies, or initiatives to determine their effectiveness, impact, or value. Content evaluation examines various metrics, feedback, user data, and indicators to measure success, inform decision-making, and drive improvements in content quality, relevance, and performance.

Related terms: Content assessment, performance evaluation, effectiveness analysis, measurement

Evergreen Content: Definition: Evergreen content refers to content that remains relevant, valuable, and useful over an extended period, often without being time-sensitive. Evergreen content addresses timeless topics, provides enduring information, or offers solutions to common problems. It continues to attract traffic, engagement, and visibility long after its initial publication.

Related terms: Timeless content, enduring content, perennial content, evergreen articles

Exit Page: Definition: An exit page is the web page from which a user leaves a website or navigates away to another website or destination. Exit pages can provide insights into user behavior, usability issues, or content gaps, as they indicate where users decide to exit the website, potentially signaling a lack of engagement or a need for content optimization.

Related terms: Exit rate, bounce page, last page, user departure page

Exit Rate: Definition: Exit rate is a metric that represents the percentage of visitors who exit a website from a specific page out of the total number of visits to that page. It indicates the rate at which users leave a website from a particular page relative to the total number of visits to that page. High exit rates may suggest a lack of engagement, relevance, or conversion opportunities.

Related terms: Bounce rate, exit page, user departure rate, website abandonment rate

Experimental Content: Definition: Experimental content refers to content that explores new formats, techniques, or approaches in order to test their effectiveness or appeal. It involves trying out innovative or unconventional content strategies, styles, or topics to gather data, insights, and feedback, and to inform future content creation and optimization.

Related terms: Content experimentation, trial content, innovative content, exploratory content

External Linking: Definition: External linking, also known as outbound linking, is the practice of including hyperlinks in a piece of content that direct users to other websites or resources outside the current domain. External links provide additional context, references, or sources, and help establish connections between related information or valuable resources.

Related terms: Outbound linking, hyperlinking, reference links, source links

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